We bring Results — Level up Today
Grill Advantage is the foundation for Efficiency in your Operations, preventing clutter, and unnecessary steps that will save you time and money
We bring Results — Click below to Start
We bring Results — Click below to Start
(Over 10,000 + Organized Kitchens Worldwide)
Every product is proudly made right here in the USA in our state of the art facilities! Creating the ultimate products while creating jobs
Our patented Universal Clip system was developed to help Grill Advantage attach to nearly every size, make and model grill in the indusry
We stand behind every product we make with a unmatched Lifetime Warranty
We designed our entire product line with these key principals in mind. Easy to install and simple to remove and clean. Our open angle design makes it effortless to clean and sanitize your products
Grill Advantage was built on its ability to build vertical space you never knew existed by taking your pans and accessories off of your grill and creating Organization and Efficiency
The number one reason why we creating Grill Advantage, to minimize dangerous flue fires due to a low factrory backsplash. Go from a low 3.5" to a safer 13.5' Backsplash in seconds